Saturday, August 31, 2013

Yearbook Workshop, Friendship, and Community Aid

Over these past three days my friend from Pennsylvania has been staying over at my house. She goes to CedarBrook Academy with me and we're both taking the Yearbook class this year.

      Near the beginning of each CBA school year, there's a yearbook workshop for the entire staff of The Torch.
She stayed at my house so her parents wouldn't have to drive her two days in a row to Maryland and then back again. The yearbook workshop has  been a great time to really get to know the staffers and a lot of them are less intimidating than I thought they were! Everyone is so nice and I feel like once I joined staff that I was welcomed into a whole new family at CBA.

Over the two days of the workshop I got to learn about fonts, photo composition, grids, wording, selling, and design.
There's so much that happens behind the scenes in yearbook that I've never thought of before. These people put so much into the yearbook!
It's all sounded so complicated but yet, I also think I'm really going to be able to enjoy this class.
There's only 13 staffers this year- 7 of which are seniors. Leaving behind only 3 juniors and 3 sophomores.
And there's always an editor each year. I have no idea who Mrs.Branham will choose next. Britney thinks there's a pretty good chance of me being editor next year. It's a huge and stressful role, but I would be willing to take it!

When it came time to choose a theme for the yearbook of 2013-2014, I realized what a disaster it would be if every single person thought alike. If we did, we wouldn't have had some of the awesome ideas that were brought up. Every single one of the staffers have their own angle and perspective on things, and when we're put together as a group, we brainstorm some of the best ideas.

I think this class is going to be a whole lot more fun than I originally thought.

Rachel and I had some really fun times at my house. She got here around 2pm on Monday afternoon. She brought her stuff into my room and we just sat on my floor for 2 hours and caught up and laughed at my funny board on Pinterest.  We had supper and while Mom, Dad, and Britney went to clean the church, Rachel and I stayed home and watched a chick flick called "Just My Luck" I absolutely adore that movie! Before watching it, we made homemade popcorn on the stove. I made two batches, so I kept the burner on while I put the popcorn in a bowl. While I was trying to get a good grip on the pan, a kernel went flying onto the burner and caught fire! At first I was shocked, but I wasn't panicking or freaking out- which was unusual because I would usually go berserk in those situations, but I stayed calm and just waited for it to go out on it's own.

My absolute favorite part of her stay here was the second night. We watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" yet another chick flick and after that was over we stalked people on facebook. Mom, Dad, and Britney headed off to bed and I closed my door so my bedroom light didn't disturb them. After we were done stalking people on facebook, she got in her bed and I turned off my light. It was about 10:30pm....then we started talking. And talking and talking and talking! We discussed so many different topics I could never list them all! We talked about deep subjects too. I really think we could have solved all the world's problems. When she got up to use the bathroom, I went out to the kitchen to check the time because I don't have a clock in my room. It was 2:00am! And we still had a workshop to attend in the morning! We talked for another half hour and drifted off to sleep.

We were both soooo tired at the workshop and I couldn't help yawning when I first got there.
I sort of feel like I'm in undercover training for the editor position because the editor this year, Michaela, and the yearbook company rep, and Mrs.Branham keep singling me out asking me questions about layouts and my opinions. Without equally singling other staffers out.
I volunteered to purchase drinks and sodas for the snack bar this year. That should be fun!
After we had come up with a theme for the yearbook, the workshop was over.
I helped Rachel put her stuff in her car and said bye.
We plan on taking another painting class with Barbara Powell in October. I'm already excited!

I went straight to my car from Rachel's and mom drove me home. We waited for Britney to get home from college and we went straight to Community Aid in Pennsylvania. I've been wanting to go up for the past few weeks to pick up some nice shirts for CBA. We always try to go on Wednesdays because everything except for a certain color tag is 50% off on Wednesdays! What a deal, right?
I picked out 10 shirts. Three of which I'm super excited about. Nooo....scratch that. I'm excited about all of them! I love that place because my 10 shirts was only $30....if I had gone to a real store? $30 probably wouldn't have even gotten me 2 shirts.

I finished my shopping early and went to the book section to read and browse until the rest of my family was ready to check out. There was an elderly man searching the books as well. I picked up a children's tale, "Jack and the Bean's Stalk- Pop up book" and sat down. Shortly after, he came around and sat in the chair next to me.
He was very nice and stroked up a conversation with me about books. We talked about how we couldn't stand digital books and then he showed me the books he was getting. One was about fasting and the other was about angels. He asked me if I had ever fasted  before and I told him I had, we had a really nice religious talk and I told him that I love that one verse in the bible talking about entertaining angels without knowing it. (I just love it. I'm pretty sure I've met quite a few angels in my lifetime already).
He told me it was nice talking and he headed for the checkout line.

What a busy week! But fun and full of learning.

Talk to you later!

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