Friday, March 28, 2014

I've got a doodling problem......

I've been doodling a lot lately...
In my journal:
During school:
Sketching Mandie:
When I should be studying for biology but instead writing a note to my friend:
(I was really excited to give this note to her because she lives pretty far away, but we're planning on getting together soon, so that's what the note was about, and I doodled through out the whole note, I was a little worried she would think my doodles were weird because she's taking advanced drawing this year and is really good at it, but when she opened the letter she banged it back on the table and looked at me and was like, "I  knew you liked to draw but I didn't know you were this good!" Awwh!)
* ****Oh dear....I just noticed how bad the purple word in the corner looks!!! Oh my word. It's actually just half the name of my friend I was writing to the rest was cut off by the camera....dear goodness, I apologize!
^ LOOK! Hands! I'm breaking through my biggest drawing fear! They aren't the greatest, but it's something, and it's a start!
For the yearbook snack bar:
It's so much fun to get to Thursday classes early so that once the snacks are set up, we can then draw on the two small whiteboards we put out each week.
One of my friends came in and was like "Stephanie, you should draw Olaf!"
So...I did. And the whole time she was just sitting there like, "Oh my gosh, Stephanie, how are you doing this?" and she took a picture of it once I was done. Haha
The only camera I had with me was my phone, so it's not the best image resolution and his right hand/ stick is should be a bit longer.
But it was fun to doodle him anyway!
Yay for doodling and making my brain and heart happy!


  1. Love love love these Stephanie!
    Olaf is so cute! And I love the way you draw girls' faces!
    Aww Mandie ^_^
    I loved the doodles on the latest letter from you - especially Tink =) And the people holding the lifeguard up in his chair was...weird hahahaha but it made me laugh! As did the clown ;)
    I sent out your reply today, but the mail chose to come super early, so I missed. But tomorrow it will be on it's way =)

    1. Thank you so much!! I've been having fun experimenting with faces. I've tried to follow other people's styles for the longest time, but now I'm trying to find my own. (=
      Oh my gosh. I keep regretting that I just didn't rewrite that whole page...haha. I started out with the clouds...and it just went down hill from that point on =P
      Yay for letters! I'm working on replying to your email right now (=

  2. Aww, Olaf is so cute! ^_^
    Great drawings Stephanie! I especially like your "Mandie" sketch. Very nice! =D
    Yeah, I'm terrible at drawing hands too. :P
    Yep. I don't think I'd survive without art and music. :) Drawing and Piano playing is something I couldn't live without. ;)

    1. Thanks, Megs!! Mandie is my dog...she is just the cutest while she's sleeping (;
      Do you have any pets?
      Yes! Art and music...they both make me happy.
      I envy the piano part a little. I used to play until about 2 years ago when I stopped lessons....since then I've been trying to teach myself..but it's a little challenging. *sigh* Hopefully one day!

  3. Wow you're quick Megs ;) I play piano too! I've been recently practicing Let It Go ;) I can read music a little, but I mostly play by ear, what about you?

  4. @ Stephanie. Yeah, dogs are so cute when they are asleep. =) Yep! we have dogs, cats, goats, horses, rabbits...we have quite a few critters. ;) Weird, I stopped piano lessons a year or so ago too! :( My teacher changed her policies, so I couldn't afford to miss any lessons. which is hard when goats are kidding in the spring. :(
    I've been trying to teach myself along, but find it challenging too. :P I just don't learn as well teaching myself. I mainly practice playing hymns. Which are fun! :)

    @ Livvie. Let It Go sounds like a great song to play! (haven't watched Frozen yet tonight, but I've heard the Piano Guys' version ;) I like reading music, but before I ever had lessons, I only played by ear. I still do a bit though! :)
    Sounds like we're all music and art lovers huh? =D

    1. Oh wow! I love all those animals! What kind of horses do you have?
      *sigh* I think that would be so cool to have to miss piano lessons in order to aid kidding goats!
      Oh yes! Hymns are fun! The younger levels of piano come very easily to me, it's just the upper levels that still remain challenging.. (;

    2. Yep, me too! ;) (about the piano)
      We have two Arabians, and two Walaras. (Arab/Welsh Pony crossses)
